How To Pick Yourself Back Up

Let's face it. Sometimes we need a pick me up. Sometimes we are barely making it through the day.

But in the end, no matter what life throws our way, we somehow put one foot in front of the other.

We are constantly so hard on ourselves and don't give ourselves room to breathe.

So how do we end this cycle? How do we move FORWARD from being empty to being full? I have three of my favorite steps to share with you below.

1. Intentionality. We all have more control over our lives than we realize. Make 1-3 intentional choices in a day. I don't care what they are, I just care that you think about them ahead of time. Even if it means you will order takeout, even if it means you will watch Netflix, whatever it is, I want to make sure you start feeling more control over your actions, and being intentional is a great first step.

2. Acceptance. This is hard, this is work, and this is the true power of letting go. I know it may feel like when it rains, it pours, but at some point, we need to accept the rain and get an umbrella. Many of my clients try to control everything around them, but that's when we shift the focus towards acceptance instead of control. We move to a place that focuses on what they can do for themselves if they can't change the other person.

3. Intuition. The last piece of this puzzle is to preserve the inner you. There will always be outside noise pulling you in a different direction, but the only way to truly know which way to go is to focus inward on who you are. We are constantly bombarded with things we "need," but only you know yourself best in the end. Follow your own intuition because there is no one way of doing it.

I know someone needed to see this message today, so I hope it helps.

For a more individualized plan, reach out to chat.


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