What If You Never Get Through Your To-Do List?

As a coach, I often hear, “I just need to get back on track”…

I just need to catch up on my to-do list…

I just need to get through this week…

But WHAT IF you are already on the track? What if the to-do list will NEVER get done?

Does that leave you with a pit in your stomach?

I get it- we often think that the grass is greener on the other side. We often think that after I do X it will be easier.

That’s actually the OPPOSITE of what I tell my clients. My philosophy is that YOU ARE ALREADY WHO YOU WANT TO BE. YOU ARE ALREADY ON TRACK. I am just here to help you shine your light a little brighter and learn ways to move forward.

You don’t need to get through the list. Even if you check everything off, something will be back on it within a day or two. Instead- how can you shift your life so that you like MORE things on your list? How can you add MORE things that are FUN to your list?

That also means that decisions will need to be made and accept that some things no longer make the list in the first place. The goal here is to shift things to do more things you love. To do things you WANT to check off your list not because you have to but because you GET TO.

Start there. It’s easy. It’s doable, and most of all, it’s simple.

And if you need any help along the way, message me to learn more. I got your back.


What’s on Your Menu?


Killing it at Work but Feeling Like a Failure at Home