What’s on Your Menu?

What’s on Your Menu?

I’m not talking about the dinner menu.

I’m talking about your menu of options in LIFE.

How many of us know EXACTLY what we will order when we go to a restaurant? I would guess not many. Most of us decide on the restaurant (aka BIG decision, city to live in, career, life partner), but then when we are in the restaurant, we aren’t as sure what we want to order or how it will turn out. The difference is, at a restaurant, we NEED to decide (unless you want to starve). For some, that decision is easy; others pour over the menu going back and forth.

Now let’s think about it from a life perspective. You made the BIG decision but now are getting stuck on the smaller, more immediate decisions which are tripping you up. Let’s look at three simple ways to overcome this.

1. Keep it simple. We start to get overwhelmed when we look at the WHOLE menu. You already have some sort of idea which area, aka Salad, Meat, or Carbs, you want to be in. Try to bring it down to a general category and go from there.

2. What’s the feeling? We all have natural feelings when we picture ourselves on the other end of the decision. If you think about eating that Salad- what comes up? Let’s switch that to eating a big Steak- what’s the feeling in your body? Picture you are choosing the option and see what your natural response is.

3. It’s only one decision. Have you noticed that when you are looking at the menu back and forth at some point, you realize that it’s only one meal instead of picking something to eat for the rest of your life? So let’s take a deep breath and remember that next time, you have an immediate decision to make. Done is better than perfect. You WILL make mistakes along the way, and that’s ok.


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